Team AIGETOA met Member Services, Dr. Mahesh Shukla at Bhopal in continuity of previous meeting and held detailed discussion on E2-E3 Scale and submitted detailed letter on the subject. Member Services listened the arguments after going through the content of letter and enquired some points on the issue. The Team apprised each and every detail on the issue and Member Services assured to take up the matter at DoT after return to Delhi. AIGETOA Team will follow up with him in the DoT @ New Delhi also.
GS AIGETOA writes to Director HR for enhancement of posts of PPS (Principal Private Secretary) at BSNL Corporate Office.
GS AIGETOA CHQ writes to Director HR BSNL in response to suggestions called by SR Cell on the allotment of office space and residential accommodation to the Associations and Unions of BSNL. GS also writes about one more suggestion called on the subject of partial modification in facility of immunity from transfer to recognised and support Association.
Click here for accommodation letter
AIGETOA writes to the CMD BSNL for incorporating the provision of educational qualification for AGM equivalent grade promotion in Telecom Stream as per the clause 1(b) of Schedule – IA of BSNL MS RR dated14.07.2009, which states about qualification provisions in AGM/DE Promotion under Selection cum Seniority Quota.
AIGETOA Appeal for esteemed support and active participation in the Organization call to SEWA, SNEA, AIBSNLEA & AUAB on call given by AIGETOA for the resolution of long pending HR Issues.
Click here for letter to GS SEWA
Click here for letter to GS SNEA
Click here for letter to GS AIBSNLEA
AIGETOA taken up the issue of GATE JTOs recruited in Jammu and Kashmir Circle on their appointment to reach back to their home states on account of completion of five years of service in harsh terrain. About 60 GATE JTOs were recruited in the Circle who are about to complete five years period in December’2022. They belong to various parts of the Country and serving in the All India Hard tenure Circle J&K. AIGETOA demanded that GATE JTOs, who are going to complete five years of the service in the harsh terrain circle, should be considered to reach their home Circle under Rule-8 transfer considering difficulties associated with the place bringing it in the ambit of the Hard Tenure Circle.
AIGETOA also demanded that GATE JTOs, who were recruited in some far end Circles should also be allowed to settle in their home states on account of their posting in diversely opposite culture, food, life style etc. causing severe hardships. They should also be considered for return to their Home State under Rule-8 after completion of five year periods to extend respite.
BSNL has been entrusted with the work of O&M by DoT, Govt of India and accordingly floated the tender for the same. But it is apprehended by employees in the field that, some places the Tender may be awarded to our core competitor in FTTH business, who are called Competitor Maintenance Agency (CMA). If it happens, then same CMA will become agency for maintaining of BharatNet Phase-1 Network (existing OFC from OLTE location to FPOI and BBNL Incremental OFC from FPOI to GP), who also provides FTTH connections of his company in the same operational area, which will lead to conflict of business interest. Accordingly, AIGETOA requested for scrutiny of the tender on the line to protect the interest of BSNL.
AIGETOA writes to Dir (HR) for extending DoP&T guidelines for reservation in promotion for the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs).
Hon’ble Supreme Court in its order, dated 28.9.2021 directed the Government to issue instructions on ‘Reservation in Promotion’, as provided in Section 34 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
Accordingly, Executives instruction issued by the DOP&T vide referred OM No 36012/1/2020-Estt. (Res.-II) North Block, New Delhi dated 17.05.2022 (enclosed), which states about quantum and provisions for reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) and also directs the Central PSEs to comply with the orders within specified period. BSNL is one of the CPSE under Ministry of Telecom, Govt of India and hence it comes under the ambit to implement the issued instructions on the matter.
In view of the above, AIGETOA request for implementation of the referred instructions of the DOP&T with immediate effect in all streams as per the laid down provisions.
Letter to CMD BSNL submitted by AIGETOA on the matter of SDE to AGM Promotion highlighting the stalemate and insufficient vacancies in AGM Promotion and non starter of CAO Promotion.
Our strong objection on the continued stalemate on account of precondition put forward by management and offering lower number of vacancies in the SDE to AGM Promotion and non starter of AO to CAO Promotional Process.
AIGETOA made strong objection for leaving behind the executives of list-12 & list-13 from the VC calling letter initiated by BSNL CO and keeping them away from the purview of AGM promotions. AIGETOA demanded inclusion of all SDEs in all preparatory work and actions should be initiated to ensure promotion of all SDEs completed seven years of service till list list-13.
Highlight of the commitments made to AIGETOA during various meetings which are reiterated as below :
- Consideration of complete strength of 4500 Posts by diversion of Posts from MT/LDCE quota to that under DPC quota as one time measure and vacancies under internal competitive quota to be extended by adjusting the same through vacancies created on account of future retirements on yearly basis. We have categorically rejected any move for external MT recruitment, and we once again reiterate our firm opposition to any lateral entry of external candidates in the organization. Presently BSNL Board has also put a stop to any external recruitment in BSNL.
- Consideration of vacancies arising out in AGM cadre due to DGM (Ad-Hoc/LA) by considering them as occupying the vacancies of regular DGMs and using them for DPC in SDE (T) to AGM (T) grade in line with the mechanism followed in JTO to SDE Promotions. This will also enable smooth promotions for AGM to DGM Regular Grade.
- Review of sanctioned strength and creation of Posts in various cadres including AGM in view of the proposed merger and takeover of BBNL operations by BSNL and roll out of more than one Lakh 4G BTS as per the expansion plan.
- Introduction of Stagnation Criteria in MS RRs as committed to this association vide management letter no BSNL/31-3/SR/2020 dated 02.03.2022 under minted point number 2(d), which will make these promotions time bound in case regular vacancies falls short. The association has demanded that the stagnation criteria in this case should be eight years.
To avoid another injustice to these executives, department should take all necessary actions to ensure that these meritorious executives are not left behind in the promotion orders. Accordingly, we demand:
- Calling of vigilance clearance particulars of the eligible SDEs up to list 13.
- Completing of pending APAR (if any) including offline period of the eligible SDEs up to list 13.
- Carrying of the SDE to AGM Promotions of all SDEs, who have completed seven year residency period i.e. upto seniority list-13.